FAQ for Workshop Chairs

General Recommendations to Workshop Chairs

The Workshop Chairs have to monitor the status of the reviews of their workshop, and you have to guarantee a good and reliable review of each paper submitted to the workshop.

If there are papers OUT of SCOPE of the workshop, please urgently inform workshopchairsmgt@iccsa.org so that the paper can be moved to the General Tracks.

So, the submission deadline has to be set, April 2 at the latest, to give the reviewers enough time to complete their jobs by April 10.

How to assign reviewers to the Workshop

We have rebuilt the reviewers' pool from scratch this year.

Now, the Workshop Chairs cannot add themselves new reviewers.

This is the correct procedure we have to follow:

  1. ask the potential reviewer to register at the URL: https://cyb24.iccsa.org/cgi-bin/genphase0.py  
    The user will receive an email with a link they have to click to confirm the validity of the email address (Email validation phase)
  2. Once the user registered, you have to send an email to workshopchairsmgt@iccsa.org to ask to promote the user as a reviewer and add her/he to the Program Committee of your Workshop (which is published on https://iccsa.org/workshops page to be visible to everyone).
  3. When the staff promotes the user to the Reviewer role, she/he will receive an invitation email with a link he/she has to click to accept the invitation and SET the MAXIMUM number of papers she/he is available to review.
  4. Finally, the staff will assign the reviewer to your Workshop, and you can assign her/him papers to review.

Each Workshop chair can assign ONLY the reviewers assigned to his workshop and proposed by her/himself.

New "C" review score for Two-stage review

This year, we introduced the "C" score, which the reviewers can assign to a paper to request a two-stage review. The reviewer asks that after the authors revise the paper according to her/his recommendations, she/he can analyse the corrections made by the authors and re-evaluate the paper after the first evaluation.

Antiplagiarism and AI detection

This year, we adopted Ithenticate to check the percentage of plagiarism and the percentage of AI for each submitted paper. These values are available to the reviewers on the review form.

Papers detected below 25% are considered safe, but the plagiarism report is not shown.